Healthy Mohantal or Chickpea Flour Fudge
‘Silence after the storm‘..the last few days of high decibel sound, screaming and running around the road to burst crackers has finally come to rest. Even the intermittent spell of rain did not dampen the spirit of festivity for my kids & hubby for whom my garage was the make shift center for bursting crackers. And no, I will not crib about the land, noise, water and air pollution which was left after the festival of lights was over. When I am not able to influence anyone in my home even after 16 years of marriage, against indulging in sugary sweets, oily savories and buying crackers at exorbitant prize (which could actually get me a dedicated server for God knows how many years) then who am I to complain…’to each his own’.
Anyway, I tried my hands making a healthy version of a popular traditional Indian fudge. Often made during festivals and very common in India especially Rajasthan, its called Mohantal. Made with chickpea flour, the ratio of ingredients in this traditional and scrumptious sweet will make your diet chart stumble. With one cup each of chickpea flour, sugar and clarified butter I never got interested to try it at home, but have eaten it many times at my grandmothers’ home. And believe me you can’t stop with just one piece of traditionally made Mohantal.
I tried to reduce the clarified butter to a great extent and replaced palm sugar with white sugar. The resultant fudge is in no way inferior to the traditional one, and the best part is that I could indulge in it guilt free. Palm sugar gave a distinctive raw and fruity flavor to the fudge.
Preparation time:
20 minutes
Cooking time:
30 minutes
4 persons
11/2 cup chickpea flour
1 cup palm sugar
2 tbsp. clarified butter
2 tbsp. nuts (Charoli/almonds/cashew)
1-2 tbsp. milk
1 tsp. cardamom powder
Heat a thick bottom kadai/wok and pour the butter or ghee in it. Add the chickpea flour (besan) and fry it at low heat. Keep the flame low and fry the flour for about 15-20 minutes till it becomes golden brown in color.
Add palm sugar and cardamom powder and mix it well. Take off from the flame and add 1 tbsp. of milk in it. Mix it well and check the consistency, if it becomes a mass of solid dough the fudge is ready. If it is slightly loose or dry add another tsp. of milk till you get a pliable dough.
Grease a rectangular baking tray or any plate with clarified butter or spread a butter paper on it.
Take the dough and spread it in the greased baking tray or any flat plate. Press it evenly with the back of a ladle or greased hands and make it flat.
I pressed the fudge in a shallow baking tray to get thin and diamond shaped pieces. Let it cool for about 20 minutes and make slices with a knife. Easy to prepare with very few ingredients this fudge makes a wonderful gift option for those looking for some nutritious and yummy treat. Pack the chickpea flour fudge in decorative boxes and share some healthy treats with your loved ones.