6 Things to Consider Before Pursuing a Breast Reconstruction Procedure

6 Things to Consider Before Pursuing a Breast Reconstruction Procedure

Most people seek breast reconstruction for different reasons, primarily medical. However, before signing in for this procedure, you must understand what it entails, the possible risks, recovery time, and the people you’re working with. Keep reading this guide to understand the top six things to evaluate before pursuing a breast reconstruction procedure.

6 Things to Consider Before Pursuing a Breast Reconstruction Procedure

1. Is Your Surgeon Board-Certified?

Before hiring any breast reconstruction surgeon, you must ensure they have suitable qualifications. Here, assess their board certification and the number of years the surgeon has been in practice since this automatically translates to their professional knowledge. Once you hire top-rated surgeons like Dr. Joel Aronowitz, you’re foolproof of the best outcomes after the surgery.

2. Your Preferred Breast Reconstruction Outcomes

What are your surgery outcome expectations? Often, most patients opt for breast reconstruction after mastectomy, which is breast removal after breast cancer. You must regain your confidence after losing one or both breasts to this dreadful disease. With this, Joel Aronowitz MD, and his team will help you set realistic expectations to embrace the new you after the surgery without denial.

3. Evaluate Your Breast Reconstruction Surgery Facility

The facility you approach is vital to your surgery’s success. Breast reconstruction demands several procedures before you can rest at home as you recover. Therefore, you must do your due research thoroughly on the facility you choose for your treatment. Consider facility location, availability of ambulatory equipment, and professional staffing capability. In addition, enquire the practice management about the insurance policies and the payment means they accept beforehand.

4. Ask for the Available Anesthesia Options

Administered anesthesia may differ depending on the patient’s medical history, body reaction, and prescribed medications. While in this step, you may undergo several blood tests before the breast reconstruction procedure commences to avoid possible complications. While choosing a surgical facility, ensure they have anesthesia services and types that meet your medical needs. Also, ask how the medics monitor their patients during and after surgery in case of general anesthesia.

5. Available Time for Full Recovery

Unlike other forms of surgical treatments, breast reconstruction requires several subsequent operations. Therefore, patients must book surgery appointments per their schedules, leaves, and other time privileges. Also, ensure you’ll have enough recovery time before returning to work. This criterion, however, may depend on the need for the surgery. For instance, most patients who have undergone mastectomy prefer pursuing breast reconstruction procedures immediately after the breast removal.

6. Post-Surgery Life Changes

After the breast reconstruction procedure, your surgeon might advise you to introduce new foods and drinks into your dietary plan. Also, they advocate avoiding strenuous work that could alter your recovery process while still recommending incorporating home physical exercises. What about your new look and long-term medications that weren’t part of your life? You need to engage your mind positively and do anything that elevates your recovery.

Breast reconstruction is an excellent option after losing your breasts. The procedure requires mental and physical preparations for the best outcomes. The above are some critical things to consider before pursuing breast reconstruction. Generally, evaluate your prospective surgeon, surgery facility, time, and the changes you must adapt to after going under the knife.