Ways to Improve Your Breast Size

Ways to Improve Your Breast Size

Are you a woman who feels a bit embarrassed about her small breast size compared to those hot supermodels in the magazines and advertisements? If you are, have you ever thought about getting a breast enlargement procedure done? If you have ever contemplated this, here are some ways of getting a bigger bust size:

o Breast Enlargement Exercises – there are several different exercises you can do to enlarge your breast. Some of these exercises can be done at home or at the gym, such as doing pec presses, butterfly presses, and more. There are also added health benefits involved with doing these kinds of exercises like decreasing the symptoms of PMS, and preventing breast infection and breast cancer.

o Massage – massaging the breasts a few minutes a day in either a single session or more can help to increase the size of the breast. The best time to do this is after having a shower or bath, as your skin is smoother, fresher and moister. Some also suggest that if you have a partner, that your partner can massage the breast so it is enjoyable for all parties.

o Taking pills – there are many breast enhancement pills being advertised on the internet, TV, and women’s magazines. The pills that are advertised are usually portrayed as natural, herbal pills. It is possible that these pills do work, however the outcome may be only temporary. Other than the possibility of not being effective, it is possible that these pills are damaging to your health in the long run due to the fact for the lack of scientific evidence to prove that they do work and are safe to take.

o Breast implants – the most well known breast enhancement procedure is to have plastic surgery. There are two types of breast implants – saline filled implants, or silicon implants. It is well known that breast implants can be very dangerous, and these implants can rupture inside a woman’s body, causing grave illness. A lesser known downside to having a breast implant is that the breasts can end up looking abnormal as one is bigger than the other, or it is lower on the body than the other.

Whatever the method you decide, breast enlargement is something you should evaluate very carefully before taking the plunge and getting it done for the sake of your own health and well-being.